



I have a senior friend who is in his late 30s. not married, not gainfully employed and he’s born into a polygamous home as the only child of his mother and the only one in the entire lineage who is a graduate. (over 500 grand and great grandchildren).


One of the step mother who is a witch but not known was sick back in 2010. Her first son who married at 48years with 2 daughters got seriously sick and died. Afterwards, this woman came back to life strong and healthy!


Not long after the wife of the first son died also leaving behind the 2 daughters.


Some years later, the second child of this witch got married (also late marriage). Three months after the wedding, he died leaving the pregnant wife. She eventually delivered a baby girl. Not long after that, she died.


I must add that all these deaths happen whenever this woman is sick.


26th December 2021, my friend became so sick all of a sudden (at this time, the only graduate, born again, lost his job in the entire lineage). He fought through and became better. After the cross over service, he became sick again. This time with hyena (swollen testicles), according to him, it was just death but he kept chanting the word of God.

I also remembered that our father led us in series of prayers last week on the mercy of God for us, our families (I included my friends). I also rebuked death!

Brethren, the woman eventually died and every symptom in my friends body disappeared! He said he felt like ropes around him loosened! He sleeps well now, resumed fasting and praying normally.

His former boss called to check up on him just yesterday!

And my mother in-law on getting home to share this testimony with them introduced a lady if she wants to get married!




I also want to thank God for international open doors. I got a printing job from the UK from a lady who shopped for free clothes for our new born baby last year. She sent more clothes for our daughter this January.

 I’m to supervise her building project here in Abuja. She has relatives and her husband’s brother lives here but because of the unction of favor we prayed for, she decided to pick me for the job.

I thank God for other sources of income popping in from all sides. I believe that this is just the ear. the blade hasn’t shown yet, talk more of the full corn! Our God is good and he does only good.



On the first week of the 6 months’ prayer stretch, Pastor Ade had a dream. Prior to this time, he had a long standing challenge of 10 years that hadn’t been resolved. The dream was the beginning of his breakthrough.

He dreamt that he went back to his house where he lived as a child with his grand aunty. He recognized his present car in the dream. What he didn’t understand was a girl syphoning fuel from his car. To quench his curiosity, he went over to her in the dream and he asked the girl “what are you doing?” the girl replied “I’m removing fuel from your car” he asked her “for how long have you been doing this” she said “for 9 years this is the 10th year!” All of a sudden his grand aunt with whom He lived with came out and told him she was the one who sent her to remove the fuel.

This dream gave Pst Ade the victory and direction to channel his prayers to the rightful receiver. Prior to this Rev Emma Opara raised a prayer point of judging individuals projecting wickedness at us. This indeed was an answered prayer.

Demonic Dream Patter Broken - Bro David Titse


I’ve had the same pattern of dream about war or communal crises on different occasions but it became more frequent this year.

 I am usually one of the soldiers, during the fight and I’ll either wake up from the dream because my weapon is not effective or run to a dead end and wake up or I will not have a weapon at all.

Yesterday night I dreamt again, I found myself in a military vehicle fill with armed soldiers. When we were about to take off I told them to stop and I came out and join the other car which was more like a private vehicle. In the car were two soldiers; one driving and the other sitting behind and I joined sitting at the owner side, beside me was a very serious sophisticated gun for me to use.

Suddenly the rebels came, they stood looking without a shot and they turned back. And we finally took off from there to a beautiful and peaceful city.  This dream happened immediately after POS E led us to pray about demonic retrogressive dreams. That very night.

Finally, am going to dream again so that I will ultimately use the weapon that was handed to me. I know I dwell in the secret place of the most high and I abide under his shadow. I will not be defeated again!

DEATH IS AVERTED! - Sis Gladys Simon


I woke up this morning and after doing my devotion and reading a little, I slept off and I had a trance. I saw a brother from my church involved in a terrible motor accident and he almost got a child killed but a hand from nowhere came and moved the boy out harm’s way and delivered him.

So I came, prayed, broke bread and read the scriptures Rev Emma Opara read about no reproach and no shame and I left for prayers.

Upon my arrival, my brother calls me. Apparently, he was involved in an accident that would have been terrible had he not been delivered. A trailer lost control from behind and ran into his car on his way back from work. There was surprisingly no damage on his car and he managed to get away but the trailer was badly damaged instead. There was only a scratch on his car.

I want to give God thanks and testify of Gods goodness and deliverance.



My name is Joy Sa’aratu Dawaki. I’ve come to bless the name of the Lord for what he has done in my life. I’ve been asthmatic and for a while I stopped praying about it. I was praying for other pressing issues like my genotype which God healed. My faith wasn’t released for the asthma.

 I kept on having different attacks in the course of 2021. My faith became weaned concerning the asthma. I would go to the altar, drop my inhaler there and struggle with my health for days, my friends would come around me rush me to the hospital and I’d get treated and inhalers would be bought for me. This was the cycle for me. So I just forgot about my healing for the asthma.

 2 weeks ago, when Apostle Heavens was ministering, he mentioned that there was a Sarah praying for her health and God has answered her. I was telling myself “ah I’m not praying for my health and even if I was praying for my health, it was a long time ago”. I didn’t come out. And again I said to myself “I’m not Sarah, I’m Sa’aratu. Even though they mean the same thing. I was with a group of friends for a prayer vigil last week and I had an attack. There they prayed and agreed that that was the last attack I would have. But me I didn’t know if I believed because I was tired of praying about it.

After Apostle Heavens made the declaration, he took me to Pos E telling him that I was the Sarah he was looking for and he said its done. I said ah just like that its done? I said ok. After prayers, I decided to fry something and there was no vegetable oil. Red oil is a trigger for asthmatic patients but that day I started to fry with the red oil. There was smoke there and I wasn’t covered up, I fried everything without any attacks. Even the harmattan causes attacks but I didn’t have any. I just want to bless the name of the lord for his wondrous acts in my life.




My name is Mrs Bathsheba Isaac Goyle from Taraba state. We started this program in the last stretch of last year for 4 days and god started is miracle with me. By performing his miracle with my first son. He is presently 34 years but has been serving the devil for over 17 years. He would always smoke, hang around with bad boys, steal assets to purchase drugs, was in and out of the cell. But to God be the glory and to the shame of the devil, I got a call from him last week saying he wants to join the theological school at Jos. My promise is that he’ll come and work with rev Emmanuel opera.

My husband passed away last year. Before he did, he started a building project in the village that wasn’t completed. I couldn’t finish it up because of funds. Suddenly, my classmate who is serving senator called me out of nowhere to request for an estimate of the house. This happened after Pastor led us to pray for favor. Prior to this time, this senator reused to pick up his calls to talk with me but after the prayers, he was the one who called me. My other classmate who is a serving senator also called me to ask how much I need. I was perplexed and I started to shiver. All of this miracles started after we started prayer stretch. I can’t thank God enough for all he has done for me. Especially the case of my son because he was my only problem but now God has caused me to smile. He has put a new song in my mouth. Ill sing and shout for joy! Indeed, our God is a good God!



My name is Simeon Ubongabasi Emem. My testimony goes thus; Our company which is run by me and my wife are into the forex trading market. We placed a trade which was on positive and before we knew it, the trade was on negative and almost cleared our account.

Pos E made a statement in one of those evening sessions talking about how the devil sits in the financial sector especially the forex trades and that we must confer to get our reward from the market.


We started praying and breaking bread for close to 2 weeks for the trade to change its course and more in our favor. We continued praying and as I speak now, the trade has reversed and we have made profit.

Surely, prayer after prayer we must pray and we have seen the testimony and it is marvelous in our sight.

Thank you for teaching us the art of prayer and how to pray. Thank you Mos E for yielding to Gods Spirit because all the prayer points are divine.

Thank you Lord for answered prayers



One of our sisters was praying at prayer cruise, she’s a serving youth corps member. It was time to leave for work so she stood up to leave while prayers were ongoing, she got to the road and she stopped a taxi to enter.


 When they got around ceddi plaza, the driver and one of the passengers began to have an argument about the passenger’s transport fare. The driver screamed at the passenger saying the money he gave him wasn’t the initial amount they agreed on. Saying he picked him from a far distance. The passenger said he had dollars in his luggage in the car boot and he would give him. Our sister muttering under her breath, following prayer cruise online didn’t even get involved in the conversation.


Then she had already figured they were the notorious one chance gang who go about hypnotizing people that fall prey and syphon their money. All of a sudden, she was asked to get down from their car. she didn’t budge. She got off without any form of swindling and harm! Glory be to God!     



On the 2nd week of stretch, Pst Ife Opara led us to pray the prayer point “there shall be no loss.”

3 days after this prayer point was made, one of our sister’s brother and his friend were on their way back from the club and being under the influence, they were involved in a ghastly car accident!

The car summersaulted 3 times. In the course of the car summersaulting, her brother was forcefully ejected out of the car through the windshield.

They were rushed to the hospital, while his friend sustained many injuries and fractures, our sisters brother had a small scratch on his head of which the doctors told him it’ll heal by itself! What a wonder working God! He confirms the word of His servant with signs and wonders following! Indeed, he gives his angels charge over us to keep us in all our ways!



At work last year I had a resource person come on air my program. At the time, this same person told me out of the blues about a job that he would love for me to do. But then he told me the job had gone down and that they weren’t going to carry on with it.


During the 6-month prayer and fasting, I was at prayer stretch praying and I got a call from this same person asking for my location. I told him, He asked if I could see him. I told him it was possible. I went and saw him. Upon my arrival, he said the job was up again and he wanted me to do it!


 The long and short of this testimony is that this job costing will run into millions of naira to execute. He gave it to me and asked me to put in my quotations and he’ll carry on from there and that he just remembered me. This is somebody I barely met and I barely know. I hosted him at most twice on my program. For him to just remember me proves that there are angelic activities in operation. This is my testimony to the glory of God!

OPEN DOORS - Emesen Ngozi


My name is Emesen Ngozi from Core Ministries Port Harcourt. I’ve come to give this testimony to the glory of God. My testimony started on the 17th July, 2021 when core ministry invited Pos and Mos to the meeting.

During the prayer session, Mos raised a prayer point concerning national and international doors opened and that shame is rolled away. I went home, I continued praying, that national and international doors are opened to me. I prayed it very well. Every 4am to 6am.

Before I started attending the core ministries, I used to wake up early by 5am to preach (morning cry). I became tired and became laid back and complacent in my dealings with God. My gifts laid dormant. But when I started coming to the core, I started praying, my gifts were restored immediately. My fire was restored. My prayer life was restored!

Down to August, I had a window of opportunity to apply to schools in the UK. After I did the applications and I would always go for our Sunday meetings at core port harcourt. I’ll take the prayer points home and pray them very well. My visa application and every other thing needed for my trip was supernaturally provided for. Infact, my brother who is my sponsor teased me saying amongst all the things you do as a Christian, na this one pay pass. Im going to the uk tomorrow after 10 years of completing my undergraduate studies. I return all the praise to God almighty for removing me from shame, stagnation and frustration. Thank you father!

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