Welcome to 2024
Our Year of
Escalated Favour

2024, Our Year of ESCALATED FAVOUR

Prophecies for the year 2024

2024 MIGHTY HARVEST Lift up your eyes and see, see the heavenly visions. For it is the year of great harvest. See my field is ripe and ready for harvest. See abundance of increase of my harvest. REFUSE, REFUSE, the visions and the pictures of the evil one, for his time is up. See beyond the crisis of the earth, See my great armies lined up, they are lined up to help in bringing the harvest. See my best and choiced army released on your behalf, deployed for the great harvest. Refuse the lie of the wicked, and see my vision. It’s harvest time, and it’s truly plenteous. My blessing is upon you, and my blessing upon you is causing the overflow of MIGHTY HARVEST. You are different from the world, you are here but you are not from here, See my vision’s standing on the mountain top of my word. Men will see your prosperity and be drawn to you. My force of attraction is upon you, It’s called the force of favour. It is escalated upon you like never before. You will suddenly become the attraction of all men. Men will watch and see you move and increase from glory to glory, and will come to you to show them the way, then the harvest of souls. It is the year of the mountain top. Watchmen standing consistently on their watch post. For you shout for joy and rejoice in the God of the mighty harvest. While the world go through the most difficult and trying time. It is my year of the Mighty Harvest. So rejoice and be glad, and see ONLY my visions. Rise in the word and see the pictures I paint. Not the pictures that the world paints says the Spirit of the Lord. It is our year of the Mighty Harvest. It is the year of Escalated Favour!

Join us Every Monday 7am - 12 noon as we generate energy with PosE

Nafil Arcade & Water park, Zone 5, before the Berger roundabout, Wuse, Abuja.

Where you can find us around the world

We are breaking through the seams around your neighbourhood

We have believers praying from many nations of the world. They join us through our social media channels. Currently we are meeting in 3 cities across Nigeria.

More than 700+ prayer meetings for everything you could ever pray for

We are glad to share with you heartfelt continuous prayers that reach to the core of you life.


The Christ Overflowing Life Revealed Everywhere

God instructed us in 2006 to prepare & equip men for the vision he showed us of a mighty army of men & women rising from the face of the earth with the strength of God in their heart and the word of God in their mouth, with the word of God in their hearts and the strength of God in their mouths, going to and fro the face of the earth giving effective leadership to their generation.


"I gave myself to praying for a job. At first it looked hard with all the stories of job scarcity. Then by divine orchestration, I got a contract job. During the 6 month fast, I was coming to the end of the contract, and I kept this as my major concern during the fast. Just 2 weeks before the contract ended, I got a job for a coordinator role at a multinational. Prayer Works! GLORY!"
“One night in Sep.2022, while we prayed in the midnight, I had a trance and saw a host of female angels. While I pondered what it was, I heard noises outside my house. Apparently, over 25 thieves couldn't break the iron gate, that i tacked in with a small amount of cement. I believe one female angel held my gate and saved me whole house.“
"I got a partial scholarship in the USA and moved with my family. Paying the fees was quite difficult because of how expensive the tuition was. During the 6 months fast, God laid in heart to give $1000 seed monthly. Then suddenly, during the fast, my program director told me that I have been offered a full scholarship, health insurance and a monthly stipend job with, then in June I got a job at a company with the World Bank group, and another job at UN." Praise God!
C. Mene

This is what God says

Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.