Are you one of those people that like to dot your i’s and cross your t’s? The everything must be perfect person…☝☝☝
Then you find yourself in a situation not going by “the books” and you are beating yourself. Scratch that! Stop beating yourself over that mistake or seeming imperfection. Fast forward into the future and you will see how God uses those imperfections to save your head or save your life.

He is a master of Turning things around for good. He turns your mistakes to Takes! He turns your imperfections to perfections! Never a down time with God! Never a moment of loss with! Never a time of feeling inadequate with God! Naaa….That is not God. He always wants you feeling good and knows how to clean up after us!
Trust his Love! Trust God! Rest ! Rejoice always!

© The CORE Ministries | Creativity Eloti Designs.

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