Col 4:12:
“Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, saluteth you, always laboring fervently for you in prayers, that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God”.
Am always excited at this scripture; It says you can stand perfect or mature in all the will of God. I mean ALL, not 80% or 95%. ALL 100% of the will of God! It means that everything that was willed to you can be yours – especially here on earth.
This is at the background of what Kenneth Hagin said Jesus told him when he had a visit from Jesus, that a lot of His (God’s) servant live and die without stepping foot in to the first phase of God’s plan or will for them!
But this scripture states that it should be different! We can stand perfect and complete in all the will of God for us! But you see its released in what Ephaphras was engaged in – laboring fervently in prayer for the people under him.
As parents, you can decide that your children would grow to walk in all the will of God for them through the mighty supply of God’s spirit and we labor fervently in prayers for them! Spend time laboring for souls and people around you.
We step into the fullness of God as we corporately engage in laboring fervently in prayer for men and women around us!