Did you know that the day Jesus was born, except for the Shepherds that saw the star, Jesus Parents that had expo through the prophecies about his birth and a few persons who knew about his birth, it just seemed like a “normal” ordinary baby was born and even born in a Manger.
That same “normal” child grew to be the saviour that delivered the entire world. He crushed the head of Satan and his cohorts, healed the sick, delivered the oppressed while on earth as man, His birth, life and death has an eternal effect beyond the world we see. He overcame!
So also is that seeming idea God has whispered into your ears or thundered down from heaven or spoke into your hearts. So is that Company in your hands – “seemingly ordinary” Its a world overcoming idea. It has been born to takeover! That business, home, marriage, career was born of God and it has overcome.
Rise up! Go all out for it! See it as it grows and overcome.
Jesus had to be born, lived his childhood days, grew into a man before his death, he did not fall upon the face of the earth at 33yrs to die, it would have circumvented the 33yrs example he lived to show us. Life is in phases, there is a process, the process is part of the story.
Wake up today! Day after day, live, add one brick to that idea, home, business, career.
Give up not! Its TAKEOVER!