Culled from one of Martin Luther quotes- The battle axe of reform.

Of course, the Christian should love his wife/her husband. He/she is supposed to love his neighbour, and since his wife/husband is his/her nearest neighbour, she/he should be the deepest love and he/she should also be the dearest friend.

Marriage is no joke, it MUST BE WORKED ON AND PRAYED OVER… To get a wife/husband is easy enough but to love him/her with CONSTANCY is difficult (albeit very doable) for the mere union of the flesh is not sufficient; there MUST be a congeniality of tastes and character. And that congeniality does not come overnight

To have peace and love in marriage is a gift that is next to the knowledge of the Gospel.

Some marriages were motivated by mere lust, but mere lust is felt even by fleas and lice. Love begins when we wish to serve others.

Nothing is more sweet than HARMONY in marriage and nothing more distressing than dissention…

Your wife and Husband should be your deepest love and dearest friend.
Is he or she your deepest love and dearest friend?

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