I woke up with my heart reaching out to some select people in our society. I have just come to tell you this morning to stand tall with your head held high because the love of God for you defies status.
The popular saying “God hates divorce” has been stretched with us interpreting the message through our actions to the affected people.
Hear me beloved what God hates is the act not You! The reason he hates it i reason is cos of its effect on the persons however God specializes in turning situations around and all he does is beautiful so he turns it into a beautiful life as you refuse to be brought under condemnation and receive his everlasting love and mercy.
Yes, so you made a mistake, who has never made a mistake?
It’s the devil that is selling you that rap that everyone knows and don’t like you. ..don’t buy it. Even if an Arch Pope brings you under condemnation, my Sister, my Brother, JUMP AM PASS.
God loves you with an unconditional love. Remember that love defies STATUS. Stand tall with your head held high.
Forgive them that act like they can’t touch you with even a stare through their actions…they know not what they are doing.
The greatest person in the Universe loves you and that is all that matters. Selah…
It doesn’t dent the gift of God upon you nor your purpose in life.
God loves you and everything is alright.